
Exclusive interview with Radhaa Nilia on Goddess Activation

Since winning both Goddess Activation™ (Goddess Activations™) and Goddess Code™, Radhaa Nilia is grateful to be sharing this modality with women worldwide. It took many years of patience and persistence to win the trademarks. Still, Radhaa kept her faith and vision for the bigger purpose for the Academy supporting women worldwide. In this exclusive interview, we talk to Radhaa about the Goddess Activation™ at Goddess Code Academy™ and how this work is helping women globally. 

Radhaa Nilia, the founder of Goddess Code Academy™, believes that there’s never been a better time for women to be empowered with their intuition and healing gifts. Goddess Code Academy™ is a mystical school for the divine feminine, offering certification programs, healing, training, and personal coaching. Goddess Code Academy is proud to be the official home of the Goddess Activation™ and Goddess Code™ signature programs. 

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“This has been my dream to ensure the safety of my Academy with a solid foundation so students could have stability in their Certification Programs. I worked hard to get these trademarks from the United States patent and trademark office to make the Academy the highest caliber of its kind. Even though I’ve easily spent six figures building this Academy, I know so many women will benefit. I believe in this sacred work, and I am proud to share it with the world in a bigger way. Although it’s been frustrating at times, and I’ve had moments of wanting to give up getting my trademarks, I persisted because my work already helped many women in my private practice. I knew this would empower many more. The invaluable lessons I learned in persisting paid off.”

Radhaa started her journey into holistic healing over a decade ago. Once she started, she was hooked. Radhaa never stopped learning. She spent all her extra time learning new healing techniques and eventually became certified in over a dozen various healing modalities. From the start, she got clients without ever advertising, and it spread like wildfire. She was booked back to back in the entertainment industry. It was all word of mouth, and this is how it all began. And while working with clients, she discovered Goddess Activation™. Previously having worked in the entertainment industry before pursuing her deep dive into the healing art with a background in producing. Since Radhaa lived in Hollywood, her clients were actors, stylists, producers, directors, entertainment lawyers. Radhaa was recommended to their friends and family.

“It’s the most humbling and rewarding thing I have done. Being in Hollywood having a full-time healing practice through word of mouth, I worked with many celebrities. Everyone has many issues to deal with, despite where they are perceived to be. I opened myself to more profound compassion. I understood that humans go through far more than they could ever express. People carry so much pain in all levels; physical, mental, and spiritual. It becomes a heavy burden if not cleared. 

Trauma is inherited seven generations and beyond, much like epigenetics. I think this understanding will be more understood in the future. Scientists who work with spirit will understand how trauma is passed down in the human DNA. When a client starts to heal these patterns, it can help free up entangled energy. It takes a brave person to look inwards and trust their healing process.” says Radhaa.

Radhaa Nilia, originator of the healing modality Goddess Activation™ and founder of Goddess Code Academy™

Radhaa believes that each person is unique and must resonate with the healer’s energy of their choice. “In my personal experience, I believe healing is a lifelong journey. And that is why I worked so hard in creating a solid foundation. I’ve put over a decade of hard work and dedication, learning and refining my practice to create the best results for my clients. My clients and students have been delighted with this work.”

Here’s what people are saying about working with Radhaa:

“Radhaa is truly a Goddess, and I keep evolving since the course of our sessions. We are blessed to experience her healing and love. Don’t hesitate to move forward with Radhaa. She’s the real deal. ‘Oh my goodness, I just birthed my cosmic self with Radhaa today.’ The experience was magical, playful, the rainbow’s colors, glitter, gold, and gorgeous. She was loving, knowing, wise, warm, and a natural guide. I feel blessed and forever transformed. A day we’ve been long awaiting. The drawings I do today will be dedicated to Radhaa and her divine gifts. Don’t wait to experience Radhaa, a golden goddess of love and light. She is simply divine and miraculous.” – Val Cripps, Artist, Marina Del Rey, CA.

“Wow, Radhaa is a gifted healer and coach! My biggest block has been around not acknowledging my inner child and fully healing my inner being. She was able to tap into that, noticed it, and helped me open up more fully to releasing and healing areas that I had been unaware of. Only healers with a very high vibration can affect my energy, and she is of that caliber. Radhaa is a woman of very generous spirit who I am so grateful for sharing her remarkable gifts with me.” – Dana Kalin Narayanappa, Success Coach, Arizona.

“I can only see more healing coming out from our coaching/ healing sessions together with Radhaa. It’s what I’ve wanted for so long! Thank you so much for being there for me even at the last minute before the court. It provided the perfect time. I know it is my calling to help other women go through this type of experience, and I will be singing your praises. Thank you again, and I can’t wait to work with you more on the ‘father wound’ in the next program. I was blown away by the simple yet profound connection that you came with concerning my father and my relationships. I love that you helped me go even deeper into healing, something that has been with me for most of my life.” – Love and gratitude, Disa, Los Angeles.

Goddess Code Academy is the home of the ancient Goddesses for the modern woman. Ready to manifest your purpose, heal your heart, and connect with your inner Goddess? Visit Goddess Code Academy Here.

Q: So, what exactly are these Goddess Activations™?

A: Goddess Activation™ is a living light energy transmission filled with pure Goddess Code™ frequencies. Goddess Activation™ is the power to create your reality. It’s activating your highest potential to create your destiny.

My signature Goddess Activation™ Program works with a series of Ancient Goddesses to learn how to access them and activate this power within you. 

At Goddess Code Academy, we offer a complete step-by-step program that is easy to access and understand. It’s filled with sacred teachings and healings. All the work I’ve done already and all you have to do is receive it. The ancient Goddesses are here, and it’s time to awaken the creativity, love, joy, and abundance that is your birthright. It’s yours for the taking.

Q: You seem very passionate about this work and spent years putting it all together. What motivates you to keep going?

A: This is my Dharma. It’s my passion. It’s what I was born to bring forth. The Goddess work I share is straight from my soul blueprint. I was born after the Goddess of love and devotion. Yet, the sacred feminine aspect has been pushed aside, and look at where we are now. We can see how unbalanced we as a society have become. The world is not harmonious because the feminine aspect has been edited out of history. We must understand how this has impacted humanity as a whole and how we have all suffered because of this. This has been a labor of love, a slow, dedicated work of the soul. It’s a lifelong journey to bring forth aspects that have been long forgotten. And it’s time to lift the divine feminine spirit that has been suppressed throughout history.

I had to tap into this realm which is rather easy for me or in working with clients. But translating the Goddess teachings down to the mundane and making it easy to digest was a work in progress. I had to break it down into bite-size so that I can deliver this rich information. This work comes naturally to me, but I had to ask myself how to explain to others in a simple-easy to comprehend way?

Learning to simplify was a challenge. And the logistics, for example, just getting this trademark was a huge challenge. I don’t take it lightly.

Q: How did you discover Goddess Activation™ healing modality?

A: I discovered Goddess Activation™ while working with clients in my private practice in Hollywood Hills in 2009. I was seeing 4-6 women a day in one-to-one sessions. When my clients came to me with something that they wanted to work through, we dove deep. Through the process, a certain type of energy of a Goddess Archetype would emerge, which was very helpful to women. The feedback was positive as women activated more of their confidence, creativity, self-love, abundance. It was an exciting process of discovery.

Q: How does Goddess energy help in a practical sense?

A: There are many ways Goddess Archyptes can be supportive in practical ways. For example, a certain Goddess helps boost our creative energy, like Saraswati, the Goddess of wisdom, words, and creativity. When my screenwriter client says, ‘I’m hitting a creative wall,’ we work with Goddess Saraswati. She came to me very stressed out about a deadline. She couldn’t sleep or eat and was running on coffee fumes to try to get it done, but nothing was working. After a series of sessions, there were huge shifts and transformations in her life. She told me she felt better than she had in a long time, and she felt depression had faded. She explained it was as if a heavy cloud had lifted that had been following her for years, and she felt the warmth of the sun again. She finished her screenplay, and she was able to submit it on time. It stopped coming from a place of stress and anxiety and more from inspiration and creative flow.

Q: Can you give me another example of how Goddess energy flows when working with your client?

A: I had a client who was looking to manifest more activity in her business. She wanted more clients and, ultimately, to be able to receive more abundance. It’s a feeling that we have to be open to receive. So we called in Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of luck and abundance. We worked with her energy for over 90 minutes. And during that time, at the end of the session, my client got a ding on her phone. She received payment from a client. We both laughed! My client’s strong desire to manifest was present with alignment. And it just clicks like that. Each Goddess Archetype has her unique energy, gifts and comes forth to present herself. This is what I call the Goddess Activation™ or Goddess Activations™.

Q: How do you know which Goddess Archypte to work with?

A: It’s different how it comes through for every client based on their needs. If somebody was looking to activate more feelings of vitality, they might call Baubo, the Goddess of fun, joy, and sensuality. If they need to break the chains and need to get out of a bad situation, they might call in Kali, the Goddess of rage and destruction. And if they’re looking for forgiveness, they might call in Quan Yin, the Goddess of love and compassion. Goddess Activations™ awakens aspects that are already within themselves. I want women to feel true confidence within themselves. The kind that can only come from within. 

Q: So what you’re saying is that there are different types of Goddesses with specialized energies you can call upon?

A: Yes, the Goddess Activation™ or Goddess Codes™ is about activating the Goddess archetypes that already live inside you.

Q: So why haven’t we learned about the Goddesses in our Western culture?

A: The word Goddess is very sacred. In our society, we know the masculine aspect very well, but the divine feminine aspect has been taken out of texts and scriptures and in every aspect of spirituality. And so now we’re feeling the profound imbalance of that. And it’s more important now than ever to bring that divine feminine healing. 

Q: The word Goddess is a trendy word to use in pop culture.

A: The word Goddess has been misused, like many words nowadays. And this work is about bringing sacredness back to the word Goddess and bringing sacredness back to ourselves.

Q: So you are a Goddess Activator? I’ve never heard that term before!

Yes, Goddess Activator. But my clients have joked I am a Goddess whisperer, but this became known as Goddess Activations™. Activating the Goddess Code™. It’s this golden thread that weaves through clearing patterns, and I saw how healing it is to be a part of any woman’s journey.

Q: You’re also an author. What books have you written?

A: I have written several books. “Memoirs of a Galactic Goddess” is about my journey and how I experienced the nights of my soul. I have found the sacred guidance of the Goddesses who always came, assisting me in alchemizing pain into powerful lessons. At the end of each chapter is a Goddess teaching, sharing a bit about a particular Goddess, her gifts, attributes, and the lessons learned. It’s all about finding the silver lining in every experience.

Another book I wrote is “Quan Yin Goddess Activations.” A workbook that guides the reader into working through forgiveness through the love and compassion of Goddess Quan Yin. It’s one of the most well-received Goddesses at Goddess Code Academy. 

And then there’s a book series I’ve been curating called “Awakening Starseeds.” It’s a collaborative book with authors from all over the world, contributing their stories of awakening. It’s powerful when so many people come together to create something that inspires others. We are just about to release Volume 2 and still have a few spots left for Authors in the following volume. Find out more: [email protected].

Radhaa Nilia is a multimedia artist, coach, and Goddess teacher. She has been certified in over a dozen multiple healing modalities. Radhaa works with women to activate their inner Goddess, heal their heart wounds and soul purpose at Goddess Code Academy™. She is the original creator of Goddess Activation™ ( Goddess Activation™) and Goddess Code™. She is also the founder of Radhaa Publishing House and a contributing writer for various online magazines such as Huffington Post, Elephant Journal, Mind Body Green.


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